Monday, October 27, 2014


Have you ever seen
someone laugh
with their shoulders?
like they are shaking
away all the things 
that weigh on these
human ledges and 
keep then slouched. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Oregon Pinot

When I saw the woman
walking downtown
wiping her eyes
with a mcdonalds napkin 
I could only hope 
she was heading home
to trade that napkin 
for an Oregon Pinot 
crafted in the Willamette 
Valley where the grapes
are squeezed and processed 
to become the comfort for us
women who have cried in public. 


am used to compliments
laced with intentions
and my honesty knitted
to misconceptions. 
I am making a quilt
of every moment
I have sat at a bar
with a man buying
me drinks while I still 
felt cold. Tonight,
I will turn in early with 
the heaviness of this fabric
trying to warm me
in my sleep.