Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Feed me the truth
at places with 
white tablecloths
where they serve 
the type of wine 
that tastes like


I am cold
like water
to ice. 
Did you think
I wouldn't
turn to a brick
after being 
chilled time
and time again?

Monday, September 21, 2015



in the way 
I miss the smell
of rain goosebumped
across evergreens

like how I breathe
in when I consume 

like how I breathe 
out when waterfalls
consume me 

for the reason
that rose gardens
are full of thorns 
yet so many colors.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dark Spots

If I wrote
a final goodbye note
I would indicate
to everyone (no one)
how I was insignificant


I waste a lot of money
on expensive mascara
that ends up staining
my pillow cases 


With my hands tied 
behind my back
I actually relaxed 
and let someone else
Do I get to breathe?
The choice is not mine;
I only wanted a warm
body to console me
but the control in your eyes
takes me away too. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


It's odd that I only talk to you on things
like your birthday 
but I still know that you're
napping right now,
you'll be up in about 30 minutes
to drive to places
still sleepy eyed,
your contacts dry, 
needing that extra extra coffee
which you won't have time to get
because you're alway 5 minutes late.
I know you don't think of me
but I bet you think 
of that coffee and wish you
had someone to grab it for you 
once again.