Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bitter/Sweet News

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to all my followers and readers! We are approaching 75 posts with 15 Google followers, 22 Twitter followers, and 97 Facebook fans! This is really exciting to me.

I made it a goal to reach 100 Facebook fans by the end of August. We are almost there! If you haven't gone to the page yet, click here and become a fan!

If you are at all familiar with Portland, OR, you will probably know about Wordstock. It is a literature festival that spotlights many amazing authors. I know this because my two term poetry instructor, Alison Apotheker, was one of the readers last year. This year, I will be volunteering at the festival, hopefully with my friend and fellow blogger, Jamila.

Please continue to follow and comment. I love hearing any input you have!

- Tsionah N.


  1. Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog, I really appreciate it! And I just became a fan of you on facebook...keep up the good blogging! :P

  2. No problem! And thanks to you as well. Best wishes!
