Saturday, November 30, 2013


I am most thankful
you pushed me away,
enabling me to break
like a falling tree
destined to be
the wooden harbor
where other can dock
their troubles. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Crossword Puzzle

You have always been
the crossword puzzle
I cannot complete. 
My words never fit
into your boxes. 
I have never succeeded
at your trivia. You have
always been the challenge
and every answer. 
Can I write something 
that doesn't makes sense
but makes this finished?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I have measured time by songs. 
It has been an entire album
collection since I last saw you. 
Music is no longer good. 
It has turned into the ticking
of a clock. It has become
the alarm of your departure. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Getting Serious

Let us never get serious
about us. Can we not
laugh our way through 
whatever this currently 
is, onto whatever will be?
I always thought I needed
a hand to hold with understanding. 
But how many times has humor 
been the shoulder to lean upon?
You know me enough
to make the corners of my mouth
twitch. You will never
need to learn again. 


I would be cheating 
to look love in the eye
more than once. 
I have been married 
to dysfunction 
and divorce is too costly. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013


It doesn't matter how loudly 
you yell "I love you"
If you are lounging
on the other side
of sound proof walls.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Every moment made me miss
you more until time halted
and shifted me around like
a used cup in the back
of your messy car. 
And then every moment made me
miss you less
until you saw me again
and picked me up like something 
that could be reused. 
I have never felt so strongly
the desire to again be

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


You settled my seasickness
when you validated 
my need to float alone. 
You sunk my ambition
when you sailed away
without cause.
I would have let you be 
the anchor
to my meandering. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Good Intentions

Do not give me your good
intentions. I have no use
for another bag of bricks.
Give me passion that makes
intentions look like goodwill
donations. Make me believe
by setting stones to create 
a safe space where we can 
talk about everything
that went wrong, even us.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Miscellaneous thoughts

Sometimes I stop writing because it reveals too much about myself. I am frightened of me. More than that, I am fearful of my dependence on others. 

Today I realized that someone I have considered a close friend has never apologized to me for the duration of our friendship. I wonder how healthy of a friendship that is. Truth be told, this isn't even abnormal for me. I hoard people in my life that are continually hurtful without regard or remorse. I constantly feel the need to fix things. I would rather be sucker punched than say I am sorry. I do it anyways because I.... I actually have no idea. 

Ironically, I have indepthly discussed how hurtful it was for other people to ignore and isolate me. We can talk about this for hours but we aren't allowed to talk about how her summer of love (or not at all) was my summer of finding out that my dad has a brain tumor. And this year, this bloody, hellish, awful year.... I was "too depressing to be around". But it was my fault I lost people. That's what was said, right? Oh, I didn't know I was the manufacturer of LEUKEMIA. And for the record, being in a person's prayers is a cop out if that person isn't in the other's life. 

Maybe I should be more forgiving as this could just be an indication of a privileged life. But the thing holding me back is that before I experienced any of this bull (fill in the blanks) I was 100% there for others who needed me, regardless of really understanding from experience. I don't give a (fill in the blanks again) what you can give to me. Be present or be nothing. 

Where exactly does one go from here? Click publish draft and let the public see my personal ramblings? I suppose it doesn't matter, huh?