Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Peak of Attraction

The way he styled
his hair signified
his distaste of it's thinning.
Perhaps, I should inform
him that men are at their
attractive peak
in their thirties.
It is I who requires
space to worry
that I would be wanted
at my peak,
much less
past it.


  1. By the way, would you mind not publising my previous comment? Thank you. :)

  2. I posted this comment so I could reply haha. I don't think women stop being attractive either. I just remember in a psych class we discussed some research that talked about how women's peak of attraction is in her 20s whereas a man's is in his 30s. As for the other comment regarding your poem, i would love to discuss it further if you want to email me at tsionah.blogger@gmail.com. As always, thanks for reading.
